I Tested Paper Towel Holders by Going Through Dozens of Rolls and Cleaning Up Lots of Messes

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A paper towel holder may seem inconsequential. And truthfully, in a world that’s increasingly prioritizing reusable over disposable, maybe it’s becoming a thing of the past. But, also truthfully, I still use paper towels. Millennial that I am, I even employ them as napkins (gasp!). (Plus, you can stick a roll of reusable paper towels on a holder, too, so there ya go. ) In short, a good paper towel holder—one that keeps a roll easily accessible when I need to tear a square—is essential in my kitchen. It also shouldn’t traipse across my countertop with a tug. To find the best ones, I tested 11 models by loading up on fancy and cheap paper towels alike and got ripping

Our Top Picks
OXO Good Grips Steady Mounted Paper Towel Holder

OXO Good Grips Steady Mounted Paper Towel Holder

What we liked: This is the mounted version of my favorite paper towel holder, and it’s great for the same reasons: It has a wide rod so a roll of paper towels fits snugly, ensuring you only get what you want and don’t unspool the whole thing. It was also easy to install, with no awkward angling of the drill necessary, and it hung down far enough that I could fit a jumbo roll on without smushing it.
Yamazaki Magnetic Paper Towel or Dish Towel Holder

Yamazaki Magnetic Paper Towel or Dish Towel Holder

What we liked: I was skeptical that a magnetic paper towel holder would stay put with more desperate tugs. But I was pleasantly surprised: It held fast both on my stainless steel refrigerator and metal kitchen shelf. This made it super convenient, since I could have the space-saving quality of a mounted holder without having to break out a drill. Plus, it’s easy to move. It fit both slim and jumbo rolls, and it was easy to tear off a piece without it ripping wonkily.
OXO Good Grips Steady Mounted Paper Towel Holder

OXO Good Grips Steady Mounted Paper Towel Holder

What we liked: This is the mounted version of my favorite paper towel holder, and it’s great for the same reasons: It has a wide rod so a roll of paper towels fits snugly, ensuring you only get what you want and don’t unspool the whole thing. It was also easy to install, with no awkward angling of the drill necessary, and it hung down far enough that I could fit a jumbo roll on without smushing it.

Yamazaki Magnetic Paper Towel or Dish Towel Holder

Yamazaki Magnetic Paper Towel or Dish Towel Holder

What we liked: I was skeptical that a magnetic paper towel holder would stay put with more desperate tugs. But I was pleasantly surprised: It held fast both on my stainless steel refrigerator and metal kitchen shelf. This made it super convenient, since I could have the space-saving quality of a mounted holder without having to break out a drill. Plus, it’s easy to move. It fit both slim and jumbo rolls, and it was easy to tear off a piece without it ripping wonkily.

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Alex Novis

Alexis Novis is a trusted expert in Amazon product comparisons and detailed reviews, dedicated to helping online shoppers make smart purchasing decisions. Specializing in providing expert insights, thorough feature breakdowns, and unbiased product recommendations, Alexis ensures every review is engaging, accurate, and easy to understand. With a focus on uncovering hidden gems and comparing top-rated products, Alexis creates content optimized for search engines and consumer trust. Whether you’re looking for the best deals or in-depth product analysis, Alexis Novis is your go-to resource for simplifying online shopping.

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